Fire Horse Yoga, LLC

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A New Season :: Spring Renewal, Growth, and Our Truth

The Spring Equinox is today (at 5:24 pm EST to be exact!).

This brings us into a new season; a season of renewal and growth. I always say I love autumn best, but I truly think I love and appreciate each season for different reasons. To me, the spring earth and air feel fresh and clean after sitting dormant all winter. And although I move A LOT, I do prioritize rest in the winter, hibernating a little more and enjoying the warmth of my home. The freshness of the earth in spring inspires me to evaluate what needs renewal in my own life and to question: "Am I staying true to myself or has my truth changed and evolved over the winter months?"

We've been exploring the second Yama in my classes: Satya (sut-yaa) or 'truthfulness' or 'true nature' {Sutra 2.36}. As we enter a new season, take a moment to journal (or simply consider!) the following questions:

🌱 What does this time of year represent to you?

🌱 Are you staying true to yourself? Has your truth changed over the winter?

🌱 What needs freshening up in your life?

🌱 Is there a new project you're feeling inspired to start?

🌱 What has you feeling passionate, excited, and motivated?

🌱 What would you like to create?

β€œAlways be truthful and you will have fewer visits from regret, guilt or fear.” ― Suzy Kassem

With love + light, always --

Sam ✨